The start of a new day.
Every day is a new day. What makes today special from any other day? The whole of Malaysia is feeling it. Today marks the first day of the second wave of panic in the capital city. The whole country has been talking about the spread of the virus again, after a long time of relaxation. Why is there a second wave, some may ask? Will the country’s economy be able to withstand the calamities?
Our country has created history in many ways just within a span of two years. Year 2018 is the year the people made history. Finally, the people have decided that the ruling party is a bygone. Everyone worked together to realize the change that is much needed over decades. Everyone is happy with the results. The opposition party has finally taken over the government.
When change is expected, there is bound to be unhappy people too. Those who are weak emotionally cannot withstand the stress, or rather, they have never had to withstand such high demands of them. They easily jump ship. Perhaps this is just a political game but this has made another change in history. Whatever that the people wanted is very short-lived.
Soon enough, there is another change in the government without seeking the agreement of the people. There was not a second General Election to determine who the people wants to rule the country. Everything was predetermined or so describes by the people who are not happy with the outcome. What is it that we really want in a country that we live in?
Shortly after the change in parliament, we are hit hard with a tsunami of a lockdown. One that affects the entire world, at least we know we are not alone. The economy comes crushing down. Everyone is worrying about food stocks and medical supplies. Everyone is thinking how to solve the issue of insufficient funds in their businesses and wages.
As time goes by, as the number of infected cases decreased, people become more relaxed. We can see the economy slowly picking up day by day. Somehow, comes another turning point. A point where political interest is put above the safety of the people. In such circumstances, an election is held. What happened to the so called Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of not having large gatherings? So here it is. Here comes the second wave. Can the country withstand this second hit?
A handful of people have been self-made millionaires over the period of a month because they have a different mindset. They see opportunity in every crisis. They took the opportunity and they definitely took action. They are a beautiful bunch of people. When everyone is panicking, they are calm. Only the calm is able to see a clear path. Only the calm is able to walk the path.
Who are you?
Most people are just normal people. When we see an obstacle, we will pause and somehow wait for the obstacle to remove itself from our path so that we can move on. However, if you have been living through your years observing nature, you know that the obstacle is going nowhere. You have to take matters into you own hands to find a way around the obstacle.
This pandemic has proven to be a huge obstacle throughout the entire world. It is here and it is here to stay for some time. We can choose to be afraid of it or we can choose to live alongside with it. Are you willing to be afraid your entire lifetime? Perhaps you say that you are not worried of yourself, you are just worried for your loved ones. Then what are you waiting for?
Life goes on. Life goes on no matter what happens. How you want to live your life is in your hands. You can choose to make the difference or you can simply remain in the same spot. One is definitely full of challenges, while the other may seem to be more stable but it also has its own challenges that you may not yet see. If you love your family so much, do what is right for them.
Living is to embrace change.
If you are constantly worrying of the unknown, you are only putting unnecessary stress upon yourself. Use that energy instead to make things better, for something new.
Our heart is wide enough to embrace the world and hands are long enough to encompass the world.
Dr Amit Ray, Indian author and spiritual master, 1960-present
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