Embrace change and be comfortable with it.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Embrace change and be comfortable with it.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Monday, October 26, 2020
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Saturday, October 24, 2020
What is true and what is believed to be true?
Education have given us much knowledge we need to live the life that we should. What have we learnt in school? Or rather what have been taught in conventional schools all this while?
The world is ever changing because of technology, new discoveries are made every second of the day. What are we holding on that we believe to be true? Your answer might most probably be everything that is written in books of all disciplines, journals and archives, and also probably the newsprint or the World Wide Web. Everything we see we always believe to be true.
What if, the truth is all along known but hidden?
What if, the truth is something that cannot be seen?
Has anyone ever had even the slightest urge to question what seems to be hard fixed?
Has anyone ever thought that some things have been deliberately hidden from us?
Has anyone ever been through circumstances that cannot be explained by any knowledge?
If you even have the slightest experience of something out of the norm, it is actually an enlightenment. It depends on whether or not you accept it with open arms. It is an eye opener. It is the important turning point that the universe is trying to show you and it is entirely up to you to feel the importance of it. Nobody can force you. Nobody has the right to.
We have been led to believe in many things that only limits our mind. Do you know that the best way to achieve all that you want is not to have all the knowledge in the world but to have all the experience life has to teach you? How have you been brought up to believe? Is it safe to say that our parents have been telling us to study hard so that we can get a high paying job in future, to not have to worry about money anymore?
I know at least I have been told this way and so does many of my friends. And so, we believe that the only route to success is through education. If you flunk in your grades, you are doomed to becoming a low paid worker. There is no way you are going to have a career path that leads to fortune. There is no way of getting out of poverty. You definitely need to find a job that puts food on the table.
Do you know that some of the most renowned people in history are actually school dropouts? There is no need to go very far and deep in search of the people. Albert Einstein is certainly one very good example. He did not finish school not because he was a failure but is very much due to the non-agreement with the syllabus being taught in school.
If you do not do well in your grades, that does not mean you are not great. The reason is simple. The syllabus cannot explain to you all the questions you have in your head. Whatever that your mind is thinking, it is way beyond the understanding of the current education system. This is actually great. It is because of people who have different thoughts that the world can improve. It is because of people who act differently that makes diversity in the world that we live in. It is because of people who become different that can actually make the difference in the entire world. Just imagine if everyone is the same. How boring can life be?
Think of it this way. Education is good to have only if education is updated whenever there are new discoveries. All the artifacts that the modern people find should be told in schools. All the new experiments that the laboratory are doing should be taught in schools. All that is known to a few should be made known to the children in schools. They are the future and they should be given the privilege of such information so that they can continue the legacy of discovery.
With technology, new information is discovered everyday. Utilize true history to make the better future.
History is not a burden on the memory but and illumination of the soul.
John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton (John Dalberg-Acton), English Catholic historian, 1834-1902
Friday, October 23, 2020
What is the voice within?
We are so into everything that we have been led to understand so much that we have forgotten the fundamentals of life itself. When we were first born, everything was clear. The slightest movement means a whole lot more than just a movement. Life was simple.
What happened to ourselves? What made things seemingly so simple become a whole different story as time goes by?
Changes happen. Changes happen in all directions. We have been taught that there are three dimensions in our world. Thus come the very common phrase when everything seems to be not working for us… we are pulled from left right center. If you decipher carefully this phrase, it is just linear. Everything that we have been taught, our minds see as one single line, even though we learn so much in school that we live in a three dimensional world.
How do we pull ourselves out from such misleading phrases in life? Perhaps you would be thinking to make the dimensions yourself through the words that you use to phrase things differently. But then, the phrase will sound awkward… we are pulled horizontally vertically diagonally. These are very huge words to use when thinking of a situation we are in.
What is being described in our text books may be the knowledge that has been passed down through generations of scientific research. Parts of them may be true but a bulk of them still remain open to discussion, if we may. Mainstream history and science may not buy into any new ideas that do not fit into the existing journals. Whatever that is written seems to be hard fixed in the common people’s lives.
Why are we limiting ourselves into the theories of others?
We are all individuals. We are capable of having our own mindset. We have the power to influence ourselves to become our better selves. It is all in the mind. But there seems to be something missing out there. How do we actually do that?
Have you ever been in a room with a hundred people? When a person walks in, you can straightaway identify if the person is of caliber or not. That feeling is almost instantaneous. There is no explanation needed.
I remember a story told to me some years ago. An experiment done by a person of caliber to test if majority of the humans are depending on visual or seeing through their heart. The room is full. A man in suit walks in and the entire crowd cheered upon him thinking that he is the person of caliber that they are looking forward to listen to. And so the person did the entire presentation effectively. During the questions and answers session, a participant rose with a question that the person could not answer. Then, the person redirected to say that the answer is so simple, even my driver can answer it, pointing to another man that did not look like anyone important.
Our five senses love to play tricks on us, especially our eyes. Whatever we see we will think is the absolute truth. In actual fact, the man on stage was the driver while that uninteresting man sitting amongst the audience was the person everyone should look up to. Moral of the story is to always feel with your heart, not to let your five senses block the most important sixth sense in you.
Listen to yourself. Travel within to look deeper into what you are really looking for. What is the first question you ask yourself every single day? What is that question that you thought is not important and yet is shaping your life? What are you looking for?
Always ask questions. Even when the questions seem redundant. Even when the questions seem repeated. Even when the questions seem unimportant. What are we doing here? What is our purpose in this life? Are we really who we see everyday in the mirror? What is our destiny? Where do we come from? Which direction are we heading to? This world that we live in, is it really existent or it is all in our imagination?
No language can describe our life if we let go of all the barriers we have been setting up our entire lifetime.
The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein (Ludwig Wittgenstein), Austrian-British philosopher, 1889-1951
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Knowledge means wisdom.
Is it really so?
A knowledgeable person is wise to a certain extent. Knowledge can be learnt, similarly to what we all are, knowledgeable. We went to school to study. We came out to society to work to gain experience. We surf the internet to get information. These are some of the ways we can increase our knowledge. With knowledge, we will know how to deal with certain things in life, certain situations that needs problem solving skills.
It is known to the world that everything can be learnt. How many do actually learn everything they need in order to get through this life we are in? What do we really need to learn?
We have been taught in schools all the subjects that are deemed important for the survival of the current world we are living in. What are they? Language? History? Geography? Mathematics? Science?
What does language got to do with life? Plenty. With language, we can communicate with each other properly without misinterpretation of the meaning. But how exactly will that fair if we are only learning one or two or even three languages when there are hundreds of different languages in the entire world? And that is excluding all the ancient languages that are no longer in use in the present day. Is there such a thing as universal language? Is there such a language whereby every single person in this world would understand no matter the native they are in? Is there such a language that allows us to communicate with other lives on earth; the plants and animals?
Why are we studying happenings of the past? This is in fact the most important subject we need to study but somehow whatever we have been taught may not be the truth at all. Evidence cannot lie but can always be hidden or excluded. When was the beginning of men? Where was the first civilization of humans? How did our ancestors manage to build megastructures that even modern technology cannot? How much are we learning from history? Is it just really just about the cold wars or the world wars? Or is it something bigger than that? How much do we really know about our past?
Geography probably the most interesting subject of all. It is studies of the earth and the earth is forever changing. Whether or not we can see it with our naked eyes, everything does change over time. There might be a stream here today but not anymore tomorrow. Our earth is a living planet and she makes subtle movements that effects our daily lives. Do you see cracks in your home? Some of these cracks are due to erosion. Some of these cracks are due to the earth’s crust movement. Slow movements create cracks. Large movements create earthquakes. It is as simple as that.
Mathematics can be complicated to many. It is not limited to only addition and subtraction. This is a subject we learn about numbers and numbers can bring many myths to light. We see numbers everywhere in our lives. Numbers are all written in our calendars. Numbers are what we see in our bank accounts. Numbers are the reason we have everything we have in our lives. Everything is one massive calculation. No matter how unwilling you are to see that everything is about numbers, we are living in a world filled with numbers because we are all using money to transact.
Science is one that permits us to see the future. What science is contributing to the world is inevitably the most important of all. This is the only subject that provides explanation to all there is and at the same time making every dream come true. Whatever we can dream of, science can make it happen. Have you ever had a vision of how your future looks like? There have been movies made upon dreams of the movie makers. This is made possible thanks to the invention of video equipment. Sometimes, we may even see real objects being created in real life for everyday use. This is science.
If you are great at all these subjects, does that make you a wise person?
All that we can learn is just knowledge, everything that seems important is broken down into digestible pieces. A wise person sees it as a whole.
To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.
Nicolaus Copernicus, Renaissance-era scientist, 1473-1543
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Whatever we have been led to believe, is it the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Technology is advancing faster than what we anticipated several decades ago. With such advancement, we are able to seek deeper into ourselves. What we believe in? What happened to us in the past?
We are so stuck with the beliefs that we are the only civilization on earth. We are so stuck with the history and science that we learnt from school that the first lifeforms are single cells and that we all developed from them. We believe deeply that we evolved from the ape family. There had been a circulation of a discovery that we are somehow also related to bananas because humans and bananas have very similar DNA.
This made me wonder vastly beyond my usual line of thought.
What if there was a mistake in their discovery? Is it possible that it was just coincidental? Could it have been a sabotage? May be someone did that addition of a certain DNA on purpose or there is an unintended cross-contamination? Perhaps my questions are common for the normal people. But as a person who had studied science and worked in laboratory environments before, such mistakes are out of scope. Scientists would have done multiple studies over and over before confirming the result as true. So my questions would seem like ridiculous.
Then comes more questions.
What have we been learning throughout the years? Why are the textbooks still the same as it is without the addition of the latest information and discoveries? How is it that whatever we have learnt in several decades ago is still what our children are learning to this date and time? What we learnt in school in the past is obviously outdated today. But somehow, our children are still learning almost the same things, if not the same at all. Time changes. We should advance too.
Education is important to the future of our world but education should not be limited to everything that is written in text books. Education is about exploration. Children are natural explorers. It is us, adults that have limited them and their beliefs that we are not alone. The universe is vast. We cannot be alone. There must be other lifeforms out there. People who have clarity of mind will be able to connect with the extra-terrestrials compared to people who only believe in what the eyes can see.
If whatever questions we have in the back of our minds true, then why are the mainstream media not talking about it? Why are people with such special qualities not advertised? Somehow, deep believers of the truth are sometimes labelled psychopaths. Just because they are different. Just because they have the gift. They are the special handful of people who are enlightened. They can see what we cannot. They can travel to places that we cannot. How are they different from us, the majority?
It is our limiting beliefs.
Through this date, scientists still cannot explain properly as to how the pyramids were built. Whatever theories that they have come up with, it only made sense to some people, not all. If technology this day cannot even build such a perfectly geometric pyramid with stones so large, how did our ancestors ever built such massive structures? If you think the pyramid is a wonder all by itself, think again. There are many other historical sites in discovery or are still undiscovered till this date.
Atlantis. Some people imagined it was an underwater civilization. Some people believed that it was once above sea level that got flooded somehow. There are so many questions about this historical site still left unanswered. It will be decades or even centuries more before the numerous questions can be answered. It is because the entire civilization is submerged in deep waters, excavation activities for new discoveries is complicated. We will probably not be able to get any answers in our lifetime.
Lifeforms are a wonder, there is no doubt about that. As human race, can we set aside our differences and seek what we need to learn from our ancestors? There is much to learn what we do not know. Why are we hiding in our comfort shells and believing what others are telling us? Can we unite as one?
Find what is missing and the answers will be clear.
I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.
Richard Philips Feynman, American theoretical physicist, 1918-1988
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
A relaxed body, mind, and soul.
When you wake up in the morning and you feel at peace with everything. This is the best feeling ever. It is as if nothing else matters. It is as if everything in your life is as is because you want it to be. Everything is already in place for you. Everything you need you already have.
How many times have you ever had this feeling? If it is daily, congratulations. Perhaps your life is the ultimate life that everyone want to have. Perhaps you are leading the life of a saint. You can let go of all the sufferings. You can let go of all the happiness and sadness, all the joys and worries. Everything and anything that comes your way, you are able to neutralize to the point it is neither good nor bad.
How many people can achieve such enlightenment? If you think that only a handful, you may be right or wrong. Perhaps it is just the community we are all living in. Whatever everyone does is correct in our perception because majority always wins over minority. Perhaps it is just the environment we are all living in. Whatever we first see every single morning is the absolute truth we are living in.
Sometimes what we see might be true but most of the time it is not. Our eyes love to play tricks on us. Whenever we see something as good, we tend to follow to that same direction without realizing that every effect has its cause, every cause has its course, and every course has its effect. This is a vicious cycle of life. We are all connected whether we believe in it or not.
Connection between all lifeforms and the universe is inevitable. We can never see this with our naked eyes. It can only be felt through deep connection between ourselves and all there is. We, at this modern age lack the connection. The current way of life we are living in almost forbids us to see beyond our eyes. We have been led to believe in something the minority wants us to believe in.
Have you ever questioned the importance of education? This is the one most important part of the life of every living soul. But why are education in classroom settings? Why are certain subjects so important that we must study upon? How about spiritual lessons that have been intentionally left out and replaced with religious studies? What kind of moral are we teaching our children and ourselves?
These are perhaps some of the many questions that you might have asked yourself at some point of time. But because the vast majority are doing the same things, it is only natural for you to stop questioning and go with the norm, in order to be accepted by the society. Your parents told you that good grades secure great paying jobs. This will change your current situation for good.
What are we doing here? What is our purpose here?
If we are just here for the sake of being here then there is no purpose at all. There must be a higher meaning to everything that is in our lives. The next question is perhaps where… Where can we find our purpose of life?
The answer is simple.
Travel within. The only answer to whatever question you have is within. Somehow, we have been led to believe that information technology means everything and will be able to provide answers for any questions we ask. Do you know who are the people feeding the answers to the World Wide Web? They are just regular people like you and me with a slight difference.
They are the people who dare to dream. They are the people who put off all roadblocks in search of the truth. They may sound obscure. Whatever they say may sound too good to be true or too easy to achieve. In this day and life, simplicity is the hardest way of life. We have been trained to think in complicated ways. We have to let go of the past to live in the present to create the better future.
Life is really simple. Enlightenment comes from within.
When we wake up from our confused state of mind, that is enlightenment.
Karma Sungrap Ngedon Tenpa Gyaltsen (Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche), Abbot of Dzogchen Monastery, 1965-present
Monday, October 19, 2020
Where is the place you would like to explore?
The general public will probably name out the most interesting places they see that everyone else has been to. Very often, these are places of tourism that everyone wants to visit in their lifetime. When our eyes see as beautiful, our mind thinks it is beautiful. Therefore, this is the place we put in our bucket list of all the other beautiful places we must visit before the end of our lifetime here.
When can you finally finish off your bucket list?
Like most people, you would probably think that you need to work hard for money, save up most of it in order to be able to finally buy a ticket to get to the place where you want to visit. You would probably also think of the exchange rates which you might need to start buying the currency when the price is low, in preparation for the vacation that is coming.
What do you need to bring to enjoy fully the experience?
Many things. You will probably pack up a whole luggage full of what your mind thinks is a necessity. Wherever you go, you have to bring all the so called basic necessities in your life. You lunge along all your beautiful clothes, shoes, bath needs, facial needs, hygiene needs, vanity needs, and etcetera. Some will even go to the extreme to bring along a hair dryer, towel, blanket because of the insecurity of not having everything from home.
How do you enjoy your time there?
People of the current era have the luxury of digital devices being made smaller and more convenient. Everywhere everyone goes, there will be a whole bunch of people taking photos for remembrance. While this is to ensure that you have a record of the happy moments in life, this is also something that binds people in a responsibility to capture nicer angles each time a picture is taken.
Why do you want to visit the place?
Perhaps this is the most important question of all. There is always a reason for every action. Sometimes you may argue that it is impromptu but there is an explanation for the way you react to any situation. Even if you feel that you are taking the trip because of the beautiful pictures you see on the internet, it means something has captured your heart. You just have to look deeper.
Life is simple and yet not so simple. As simple as we want life to be, there are always situations that come along that seems to make it complicated. It is not complicated at all, it is just our mind playing a trick on us. We are just used to the norm. Whatever that appears to be out of the norm is a problem. To our minds, problems are out of the way complicated.
It is all in the mind. If you think that all problems cause chaos, then that is what will come into your life. On the other hand, if you see all problems as opportunities for you to explore your strengths, everything becomes easier. We are so clogged up in our mind to think in one way we forgotten that there is always an alternative way to everything. We are too concentrated in the problem itself we lack the ability to see light at the end of the tunnel.
Find the light. If you understand nature well enough, you will understand. Perhaps the only place you need to visit is the place that keeps you sane and promotes your calmness. The place need not be somewhere only reachable by plane or ship or car. It can be near home. Perhaps you only need to take a stroll to the garden near your home in the heart of the night.
Everyone is asleep. There is stillness. There is total silence. There is tranquility. There is space. Dreams are travelling in every direction. The sky is almost pitch black. You concentrate in the darkness. You see some blinking spots amidst the darkness. All of a sudden, the sky is bright with beautiful stars lighting up your life. Life is beautiful. When daylight comes, your exploration continues.
When you remove all distractions, the journey of life begins.
We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.
Valentin Louis Georges Eugene Marcel Proust (Marcel Proust), French author, 1871-1922
Sunday, October 18, 2020
How do you react when everyone around you say that you are wrong?
There will be times when you are determined to do something and you seek the advice of your family members. What do they say? If your family members are supportive, then congratulations. You are definitely good to go as you already have the affirmation that you need to move forward. You are confident that it will definitely work because everyone else thinks so.
How about when times are as such that nobody in the entire family supports your idea? How about when everyone else is against you and thinks that your idea is crazy or too risky? Will you stick to your plan to move forward regardless of all the objections you are getting? Will you hold for a while and get more information before moving forward? Or will you just halt for good and give up?
Whatever the decision is, it always depends on the situation.
In big decisions, it is always wise to consult with the experts. There are many experts out there and they are more than willing to share their thoughts on the situation you are in. You just need to find the right ones who will advice you appropriately. Whether or not you are willing to move forward is entirely your decision. If you succeed, everything is great. If you lose, what are the consequences you will face? Always weigh between the two before taking huge leaps in life. This will be the wise words to follow.
But do understand this one thing. The bigger the risk, the more prominent the outcome. If you are willing to take a huge risk, and you truly believe that you will succeed, you will succeed one way or the other. The universe always answer to our needs. However, there is always a misunderstanding in the way people see the law of attraction.
Common people do understand that the law of attraction works whether or not we believe it does. Sometimes, the outcome deviates from our wish. Why is that so? People keep asking this same question. “I wanted it real bad, and asked for it, but the universe seems to be answering me in the wrong way. The outcome do not match my wish.”
Perhaps it is time to look in through thoughts.
Are we clear of what we really want?
Do we really believe that it will come to us deep within?
We live in a world full of disturbance. Since our fragile age, we have been programmed by our elders to believe that we are born in a certain way and that life has to move a certain way. Most often, we are led to believe that we must follow a certain way in order to succeed and that success mean loads of hard work, sleepless nights, and are only for a certain niche of people. Whether or not we realize this, all these limiting beliefs have been embedded within us for the longest period of time we can imagine, even way before we were born. Each cell in us carries with it a story and this story had been passed down from our ancestors for centuries. Some of the beliefs are great to keep us human while some are absolutely ridiculous in many ways.
If you are born in the Eastern culture, you would probably have heard of this.
“Money is evil.”
The reason why you are not rich is because you keep thinking that if you have money, you will lose your roots and become a devil.
“Listen to the elders.”
The reason why you have no self-confidence is because you think that everything the elders say is definitely correct because they are wiser.
“Get good grades in school so you can become successful.”
The reason why you are not successful is because you think you are a total failure for not getting through high school or the university.
If only you can shift your mind, you will be able to see results that your life will change for the better.
Money can realize my dreams of building a sanctuary for the voiceless.
If that nine year old boy can build an empire with junk, I can do better.
School systems are only built for followers, I am a self-educated leader.
The human mind is a powerful engine. Explore your thoughts.
Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you can’t begin to explore your possibilities.
Tim Fargo, American author and entrepreneur
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Sometimes hearing about the extraordinary can be overwhelming.
We are all common people living the world full of variety. It is rather easy to believe in whatever everyone else around us believes in because it seems like the right thing to do. If everyone is believing it is true, that means it cannot be false. This is how the human race is controlled by the few who knows how to tap into the human mind. They know our patterns.
Why do we face a crisis at fixed intervals?
If you look back into the history and observe the patterns, you will realize that every crisis that happens have similar intervals. Not many people actually study the past as we are all busy living and thinking about the future. But the past is really something that makes us in the first place.
History may be a boring subject. I never liked history in my younger years. Perhaps it is the limited amount of information and the need to memorize all the details for examinations that put me off of this very interesting subject.
History has a lot of information that is vital for our understanding of the future. The truth about history is not what we read from literatures but about where all the wonders of the world really do come from. Some people who chooses to believe in literatures are bound to the limited resources that people in power choose for us to see. It is not the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
We are all individuals. There is no one to blame for us not being able to see beyond what we have been made to believe. If we choose to believe in our instincts, nobody can stop us. However, most of us simply choose to be normal, to believe in whatever everyone else believes in. We choose to take the easy way out instead of exploring deep within.
Very few people are living in openness. Only these very few people are able to connect with higher energy sources to experience what none of us can. They are able to tell in detail the true events of the past, present, and future. They are just a handful but they are definitely a precious handful. Some of them have been labeled as psychic or even worse, psychopaths.
If your child is telling you of things beyond your imagination, perhaps it is a wakeup call to you and the entire family. Children are pure souls. They are born with all the complete senses in order to survive. It is the conditioning from the adults that keeps a child’s mind fixed and limited. Give them space. Let them have their imagination run wild. They are special. Perhaps it is time to seek for the higher truth. Do your research. Find out the truth before telling your child to shut down and shut up.
Historians and scientist are noble people. They only have one thing in mind that is to seek the truth and tell the people around the world about it. They may have given hypothesis that are inaccurate but it is not their fault. Perhaps the knowledge and technology to seek knowledge at that point of time limits their capability to progress further. Perhaps they have told the truth but somehow along the way the truth has been twisted by those in power to control everyone else. We can only guess.
But the truth does not lie. Evidence can be destroyed.
Scientists from around the world have been collecting samples from the world’s most untouched places. They were able to date all important events over hundreds of thousands of years ago. There is a pattern to all major events. Everything is connected. This entire universe is connected, whether we believe it or not. There is no doubt about it. A small gravitational change may have a vast impact on our emotions. And thus, affecting the outcome of every event happening around the world, big or small. We need to understand what is lost in order to know how to make a mends.
Find the connection. Rewire yourself. Seek no further, enlightenment comes from within.
In the beginning, it takes focus, effort, and more energy in your brain, but after you make the swing or say hello enough times, it becomes effortless. Thus, to rewire your brain you’ll have to stay with the new behavior long enough to make it become fairly automatic. In time, practice will make it effortless. Your brain won’t have to work as hard once you reach this level.
John B. Arden PhD, Rewire You Brain: Think Your Way to a Better Life
Friday, October 16, 2020
Having known the unknown is somewhat an interesting venture.
Information is precious. Most of the time we only get general information. Sometimes, we do get exclusive information and when that happens, we will feel a sense of pride. How should we treat such information?
There are many kinds of people around.
Some really like to boast. What is the reason for them to do so? Boasting is a form of showing off. Boasting is only for people who are insecure of their position. This cannot be farther than the truth. If you observe the people around you, there is sure to be one or two of such people. Whenever they know something others do not, they will tell it out loud to everyone even though they do not gain anything from such action. It is their way of showing other people they are more superior.
People who do not know them will salute them for being in the know. People who already know them will probably just nod to show agreement but deep down within, they know the person is just merely boasting. Boasters are neither liked nor loathed by anyone. Whenever people want information, boasters are the first to look for. Whenever people want to reserve information, boasters are the last they will inform. This is to safeguard whatever we think is proprietary.
Some people are really quiet. They are great secret keepers. Whatever you tell them, they will just listen. No information ever gets out. It is almost as if everything moves in one single direction. Sometimes, talking to them can be frustrating because they will just take the input and there will not be any output for you. If you seek their advice, you will probably be disappointed. They do not care about how others think of them. They live in the world of their own.
People who do not know them will refrain from even approaching them because they are seen as strange beings. People who already know them will always go to them whenever they need a listener. As a friend, they really know how to keep secrets. There is no worry that they will even accidentally blurt out anything that is important at all. If people want something announced to everyone, they will not seek the help of the quiet because no action will be taken to pass the message.
Most people are a bit of both. We are the commoners. We are neither here nor there. This is a good thing. Because we are the norm, that makes the world balanced. If there are too many boasters, we will have a problem of not knowing who to trust. If there are too many quiet people, we will also have a problem of healthy communication. Everything is about balance and it is great that majority of the population brings balance to the world of information.
Sometimes we do need guidance as to how to determine whether or not such information is proprietary. The person telling you the information has the responsibility of categorizing it before surging anything to you. If you are not told that it is proprietary and that you should not be sharing to anyone, then you will not know which to tell or otherwise.
Secret is a great word in layman terms but proprietary is the rightful word used in the law and order. Many of times, especially when your position is higher in the company, you will be made known to proprietary information, the secrets to why the directors are making such decisions. It is your responsibility to pretend you do not know anything about it in front of your other colleagues or subordinates. Sometimes, you are privileged to join in conversations with big people in the upper world, you will get the inside story of how certain things operate, the secrets to their riches. It is your responsibility to pretend you have not heard of it before in front of all your family and friends. Sometimes, it is hard to keep secrets especially when it creates excitement or chaos.
The higher one becomes, the more experience one gets. Be accountable for your actions.
Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.
Rita Mae Brown, American feminist writer, 1944-present
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Sometimes the best things in life come in the most unexpected manner.
We have probably heard of this phrase numerous times throughout our lifetime. As a child, we do not understand what it meant because in the eyes of a child, everything is colourful and beautiful. As the years go by, our perception changes. We have been through experiences that tells us otherwise. Is it really so or only the way we see as is?
Many of times we encounter ambiguity. What does this mean?
Have you ever been in a situation whereby everything seems so clear and yet you have no idea how to proceed to the next step. It is like you already know what to do in the next step but somehow you remain stationary as if you have no idea of it. This may not happen often but in the back of your head you know that you have been through such a situation before. Have you ever wondered why?
For example, you drive to work daily using the same route. Day in day out you are driving at the same time with the same car on the same journey. Somehow, one fine day, something is different. Something may have caught your attention and you suddenly find yourself not knowing what to do. Perhaps you would say that the something is new and that is the reason you do not know how to react. But if you think back, how many new things you have already encountered in that same journey? How did you handle those new things? Why is your encounter today any different from the past experiences?
If you really seek, you will know that it really is just yet another event that happens along the way. It is no different from all the other events that have happened. It is our perception that changed everything. We, in our human bodies, have a great mind. We just love to hold everything we see as true and everything we hear as worth believing. How often have you asked yourself what exactly is the truth?
Once a wise lady told me that if you recite out a thousand times of a lie, it will soon become a fact. It does not matter anymore where the story comes from. If does not matter who started making up stories. If it is told enough times to ourselves, we will believe it is true. The moment we believe it is true, we are able to influence the people around us into making them believe it is true as well.
Who can tell if Einstein’s theories are the only equations that is correct? Who can tell if the center of gravity of earth is really in the core? Who can tell if what we study so religiously in schools are facts? Everything can change. In fact, everything changes over time. Whether or not we live to see the day is another matter by itself.
Some people are wiser than others because they already understand that no theory in the world means anything. Having all the knowledge in the world does not make you a wise person, it just saturates you with information. Having all the information in the world does not mean anything if you do not put it to practice. Having practiced everything you have studied upon does not mean you have really learnt your lesson. The lessons of life is simple. In our lifetime, simplicity seems difficult.
We have chosen to see with our eyes when we should with our heart. There is a reason why a person only has one heart. Every organ we have has their own function. Two eyes to see the right and wrong, two ears to listen to the good and bad, and one brain to decipher the observation and think of a closure. The closure can be a decision or the final destination. Follow the one heart we have to show us the path to enlightenment. Open up to receive all the good things coming towards us.
The body, mind, and soul are three parts in one entity for many. Be different. Be as one.
They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same.
Kurt Donald Cobain (Kurt Cobain), American singer-songwriter and musician, 1967-1994
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
The start of a new day.
Every day is a new day. What makes today special from any other day? The whole of Malaysia is feeling it. Today marks the first day of the second wave of panic in the capital city. The whole country has been talking about the spread of the virus again, after a long time of relaxation. Why is there a second wave, some may ask? Will the country’s economy be able to withstand the calamities?
Our country has created history in many ways just within a span of two years. Year 2018 is the year the people made history. Finally, the people have decided that the ruling party is a bygone. Everyone worked together to realize the change that is much needed over decades. Everyone is happy with the results. The opposition party has finally taken over the government.
When change is expected, there is bound to be unhappy people too. Those who are weak emotionally cannot withstand the stress, or rather, they have never had to withstand such high demands of them. They easily jump ship. Perhaps this is just a political game but this has made another change in history. Whatever that the people wanted is very short-lived.
Soon enough, there is another change in the government without seeking the agreement of the people. There was not a second General Election to determine who the people wants to rule the country. Everything was predetermined or so describes by the people who are not happy with the outcome. What is it that we really want in a country that we live in?
Shortly after the change in parliament, we are hit hard with a tsunami of a lockdown. One that affects the entire world, at least we know we are not alone. The economy comes crushing down. Everyone is worrying about food stocks and medical supplies. Everyone is thinking how to solve the issue of insufficient funds in their businesses and wages.
As time goes by, as the number of infected cases decreased, people become more relaxed. We can see the economy slowly picking up day by day. Somehow, comes another turning point. A point where political interest is put above the safety of the people. In such circumstances, an election is held. What happened to the so called Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of not having large gatherings? So here it is. Here comes the second wave. Can the country withstand this second hit?
A handful of people have been self-made millionaires over the period of a month because they have a different mindset. They see opportunity in every crisis. They took the opportunity and they definitely took action. They are a beautiful bunch of people. When everyone is panicking, they are calm. Only the calm is able to see a clear path. Only the calm is able to walk the path.
Who are you?
Most people are just normal people. When we see an obstacle, we will pause and somehow wait for the obstacle to remove itself from our path so that we can move on. However, if you have been living through your years observing nature, you know that the obstacle is going nowhere. You have to take matters into you own hands to find a way around the obstacle.
This pandemic has proven to be a huge obstacle throughout the entire world. It is here and it is here to stay for some time. We can choose to be afraid of it or we can choose to live alongside with it. Are you willing to be afraid your entire lifetime? Perhaps you say that you are not worried of yourself, you are just worried for your loved ones. Then what are you waiting for?
Life goes on. Life goes on no matter what happens. How you want to live your life is in your hands. You can choose to make the difference or you can simply remain in the same spot. One is definitely full of challenges, while the other may seem to be more stable but it also has its own challenges that you may not yet see. If you love your family so much, do what is right for them.
Living is to embrace change.
If you are constantly worrying of the unknown, you are only putting unnecessary stress upon yourself. Use that energy instead to make things better, for something new.
Our heart is wide enough to embrace the world and hands are long enough to encompass the world.
Dr Amit Ray, Indian author and spiritual master, 1960-present
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Are you taking enough time to heal?
We are all alive. Anything that is alive can heal. It is the matter of whether or not we believe in ourselves. Given time, we all have the ability to heal. There is no need for technology. There is no need for external intervention. We have the ability ourselves. We just have to trust ourselves.
There have been many miracles before that even doctors of the modern medicine cannot explain. In the book the Secret, Cathy Goodman shared her beautiful inspiring story of how she overcome something that is feared by most, cancer.
She was diagnosed with breast cancer. She took the path that she feels is most right for her, to have strong faith that she was already healed. She believed wholeheartedly that she was already healed. She watched very funny movies and would laugh and laugh. She knows that stress was one of the worst things she can do while trying to heal herself. It only took her three months to heal from the time she was diagnosed and all was done without the standard protocol of the modern medicine; chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
This is just one beautiful story of all the many beautiful stories that we tend not to believe in. This is only believed to be a miracle that can happen to a handful of selected people but that is not true. This can happen to anyone, any regular person, you and me. The limitation that we have in our brain is all that is limiting us from achieving what we yearn.
Open up your mind!
With every downfall, there is an opportunity. The only reason why you keep seeing it as a downfall is because you believe it is and that you remind yourself every minute of the day that there is no way out. There is always a way out. You just have to open up your mind to see it. You just have to have an open mind to receive what is about to come into your life.
We are being put to the test. We all are. Each and every day of our lives is a test itself. Most people choose to stay in their comfort zone that is so that they feel comfortable all the time. The lack the energy to receive challenges that will potentially push them higher to become a better person. It is all by choice. What you choose, you become.
We are always being placed at crossroads. We are always given choices. Whichever route you choose to take brings you to a different destination. Which is the final destination that you wish to reach? Which is the ultimate destination that gives you the satisfaction you are so hungry to get? What do you have in mind? What do you want to do in this limited lifetime you have?
If you are saying “I just want a peaceful life”, a peaceful life it is you will get. There will be very little ups and downs. You will be doing almost the same things day in day out. Your friends will be your friends. Your family will be your family. You seek life differently from the rest of the world. You are probably already enlightened to the point you know what you really need.
If you are saying “I want to be an entrepreneur”, you will be one, one day. You have to be ready at all times to face challenges that is out of the ordinary. Entrepreneurship is only meant for those who are ready to tackle anything and everything that comes in their way. It is the total opposite of tranquility. Are you ready for what you are about to face? Are you ready to take on hardships?
If you are saying “I want to bring enlightenment to everyone”, you will be able to do so. You may not have any disciples now but the day will come when everyone will look up to you, even after you are gone from the face of the earth. Buddha walked this path alone. He gave up all that he had in life in search for enlightenment. To this date, most people only know who Buddha is but not many will be talking about the kingdom he had left behind.
Trust yourself. You have a universe within you that can make the difference.
Trust in what you love, continue to do it, and it will take you where you need to go.
Natalie Goldberg, American author and speaker, 1948-present
Monday, October 12, 2020
Waking up with a full mind.
There are times when we wake up in the morning and we find that our mind is saturated. There have been so many things going on around, especially in such special circumstances. People around the world are all talking about the same issue over and over. No matter how much we are trying to let go of the negativity, it just keeps coming back.
The sense of fear floods the soul.
Everyone is talking about the spread of the virus. Everyone is worried of their family members. Everyone is worried for themselves. What can we do? What can we do to make a difference in the world?
Fear is something everyone has to go through no matter how fearless the person may be. How can we use this to our advantage? This is perhaps how we should rephrase our question. This is perhaps the way we should be training ourselves to think.
Open your eyes!
The opportunists have their own way of transforming fear into the best marketing strategy. All the riches in the world is fear driven.
Medicine and pharmaceutical has been in the mainstream healing industry for the longest time possible in the modern era. Though there have been many cutting edge discoveries and there is no doubt of the contribution of the invention of medicine, there is a catch in everything noble. People have developed more and more classes of medicine for the smallest possible symptoms anyone can describe.
Modern age people want a cure to their sickness, most often just described in the form of symptoms.
When there is a fever, paracetamol is prescribed.
When there is a cold, antihistamine is prescribed.
When there is a sore throat, antibiotic is prescribed.
When there is a cough, cough mixture is prescribed.
When there is an ache, painkiller is prescribed.
Are these really cure to the root cause of the sickness, or just treatment for the symptoms? How many times have you visited the conventional general practitioner in the past one year?
We only think of wanting to heal fast but we have not done our part in really healing our body. What our body needs is just quality sleep, fresh air, sufficient fluid, nutritious food, and sanity of the mind. What have you done to keep these five important parts of your life top notch? Whatever you do before bedtime has a lot of influence in the quality of sleep you get. If you keep yourself in an enclosed area for too long breathing in just cool air from the air conditioner and purifier, no matter how much you yearn to be healthy, there is only so much you can do to your health. Whatever amount of exercise you do will not be enough if you are not replenishing yourself with the right amount of fluid and nutrition. No matter how much you try to leave behind the notorious things that are bothering you, your mind will still be bogged down if you cannot let go of it.
Talk to yourself. Listen to yourself.
We are all animals and we have our own instincts. It is time to bring that out into the light. You are gifted. Believe in that. Trust your body. Your body knows what is best for you. Put up a routine that suits you. Your life may be on the fast track but there is only so much you can do in the limited amount of time you have. Ask yourself this question, if tomorrow is dooms day, what will you do today? Ask yourself deep down inside, what is most important to you if there is no tomorrow?
There may be something that you really want to do. There may be something that you need to do. Whatever it may be, this will keep your priority top notch. Nobody will know what happens tomorrow or if there is going to be a tomorrow. The best thing that we can do for ourselves is to let fear of tomorrow become our advantage today. Anything is possible. You only need to believe in yourself. Choose what you must and success awaits.
Live on fear only to make fear your stepping stone.
Fear has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything and Run’ or ‘Face Everything and Rise’. The choice is yours.
Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar (Zig Ziglar), American author and motivational speaker, 1926-2012
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