Monday, July 27, 2020


This word brings about mixed feelings in everyone.

I remember when I was schooling, everyone is more afraid of the discipline teacher than the headmistress. It makes me wonder now. Why? We should be afraid of the headmistress more because the discipline teacher actually reports to her. She is the highest ranking personnel in the whole school. She is like the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the school.

Back then, the headmistress is only seen during assemblies. As students, we never ever need to visit the headmistress’s office unless we are the top student or the worst of the lot. Perhaps it is because she rarely comes into contact with students, we look up to her as a leader.

On the other hand, the discipline teacher is always around. She is a regular teacher that looks exceptionally stern. Whenever teachers or prefects encounter difficult students, the discipline teacher will be there. She is the problem solver.

I remember my parents telling me their discipline teacher held a cane in their hand when doing their rounds in school. Though we never see this anymore because of human rights and possible child abuse, there should still be some kind of control over the students. It is to prevent unwanted situations from happening.

Many parents nowadays spend little time with their children. Technology is created to ease our livelihood, not as a tool to keep children from disturbing your so called important meeting. Nothing can ever replace play time or chat time with your own children. We want our children to learn from many aspects but we also should teach them the little knowledge that we have about life.

Having a mother who was an experienced teacher in both public and private schools, I have heard many stories. There is a huge difference between children from poor and rich families. The way they act and express themselves are on two total opposite ends. This is not to condemn any person on the upbringing of their children. There is no right or wrong way to doing anything. There is only the best approach we hope to provide for our children.

Children from poor families are either very keen to learn or have given in to the condition they are born. It is up to the teachers to guide them on the right path. Sometimes, it takes more than the role of teachers to make them understand that they have a choice. Communication is of utmost importance.

Children from rich families are either very outspoken or quiet to the extreme. Some may even act out just to get the attention of their parents. While it is great for children to experiment on things, there are situations that should be regulated. Parents have the responsibility to listen to what teachers have to say about their children. Rich parents sometimes do not realize that their words have thorns.

There is no point telling teachers that you are highly educated when you do not act like one. There is not point threatening teachers that you will sue them for pointing out your child’s mistakes. There is no point forcing teachers to apologize to your child or you will pull out the funds for that new school hall. The teachers are just doing their part in guiding your child. It is your duty as parents to nurture them to be the person who is responsible to building the future world.

Discipline is an essential act.

Perhaps we have been misled that discipline means living like a soldier. It is far beyond that. We need to be able to plan how we want to run our lives. We can be doing many things at once but if everything is completely jumbled up, we will end up in confusion.

Living a great life takes effort. I am living up to my own challenge now. To wake early and write an article out of the first word that comes to mind. I love writing and have always wanted to write but have no idea what and how. Recently, I have been meditating every morning and this whole 1NE Journal thing came to mind. I have decided to celebrate my determination for fifty days in a row. On the fifty-first article, I have shown the other creative side of me.

This blog is to illustrate to everyone that discipline reaps satisfaction.


For me, the martial arts is a search for something inside. It’s not just a physical discipline.

Brandon Bruce Lee (Brandon Lee), American actor and martial artist, 1965-1993

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